Monday, July 19, 2004

When the truck's a rockin...

So we finally bought a new truck on Monday. We were planning to buy one
in Texas but I realized that once we moved we'll both have new jobs and a
new residance and while it'll still get financed, the interest rate will
be painful. We decided on a toyota tundra as they are rated really well
by consumer reports and after our minivan fiasco with the honda and the
windstar I have to say I trust them.

The salesman was the biggest prick ever, such a greasy nasty individual.
He was bug eyed and just rude. I wanted to go ask the nice old guy to
sell us the truck but being from Texas and having some amount of manners,
it seemed rude to switch horses in mid stream.

The truck is this strange grey glittery color-really ugly I think until
the sun sets and then it picks up all the orange and red and looks really
beautiful. I can't summon much excitement about the truck as-well it is
just a truck. My husband however is absolutely enthralled. He loves the
truck-more than me I think. Well maybe not but he does love it.

Last night I had showered and crawled in bed and was snuggling up to go to
sleep when he came in and pounced on me and started giving me kisses. One
thing led to another and before you know it we were being exhibitionists
in our new Tundra-and back behind the house. We live right up on a main
road and are askling to get hauled off to jail but I guess at least we'll
entertain a person or two before we go.

It is really amazing how excited my husband gets about running artound
naked outside. Not only does he love our back porch and truck for the
obvious reasons but he thinks it is funny as hell to run around in front
of the windows naked or outside in boxers. I keep yelling at him beacuse
he feels the need to take a leak out our back door off the porch. He just

I get back to nature by hiking and yoga, trying to reach deep inside
myself to maintain a sense of wholeness. My husband just wants around
outside. He does look pretty cute though ...

Found a job maybe-at least a phone interview. In the right town and right
field. Now if we can only get Dumpling in the charter school we were
hoping for. It is a school based on multiple intelligences and professes
to be flexible. He needs it. He is a genius, especially spatially. He
tested at the 97% overall IQ but at the 99.6% spatially. Unfortunately he
really needs help with his social skills. He needs a teacher who can keep
an eye on him and recognize when he is upset and help him finds ways to
resolve it without having a breakdown. He does some of the same stuff I
did when I was little when he gets upset. I would bite my hands and bang
my head in the wall. He tends to yell a bit more, but will bang his head
on the table and the wall sometimes. It's funny as my little niece from
my perfect sister-in-law is about a year old and not only bites kids,
teachers and mom but will also bite herself.

I feel bad for dumpling and her because they have so much overflowing
emotion that they don't understand how to express or society forbids them
to express it. For dumpling at least that's the case. Even now
sometimes, if I argue with my husband, I will find myself knawing at my
hand. This really freaked him out at first and he would harrass me about
it. I think he figured out it was a way I had of derailing irrational
anger and then became much more understanding. We actually never fight
anymore. Every now and then we will disagree but almost always apologize
in a couple of minutes. He is such a wonderful, amazing mate. I Love