Friday, July 09, 2004

employment is heavenly

I may actually have a job! Perhaps. I'll have to see in a day or so.

Funny stuff my kid has said

If the four horseman come, he wants to be on thier side. His dad will be the fifth horseman.

He compared childbirth to getting your neck chopped into with an axe-blood everywhere.

He tried to be a lawyer for his friend at school and give him legal advice on how to avoid getting into trouble.

Buddhism is not right. He is going to worship video games. He knows that he doesn't know that, he doesn't know that, he doesn't know that buddhism is not right.

He bulit an amzing gun out of bathroom trash while I was on the phone. Toilet role tubes, paper towels and used tampon applicators he dug out of the trash.

Insisted that buddhists like hip hop music and that I am a buddhist. Said buddhists are actually buttists and like butts a lot and are all from India.

Once when smal he stuck an entire frozen package of guacamole into the vcr slot then tried to use a spatula to retrieve it. He finally says mom "I can't get the vcr to work" I wonder why.

On another occasion my 3" floppy drive was not working on my computer-it said my administrative assistant was not allowing me access to the drive. It turns out my "administrative assistant had inserted my driver's license into the drive