Friday, July 02, 2004

so sick

Oh, I fell yucky. I keep running a fever and getting all sweaty. My stomach hurts and all the antacid in the world isn't helping. Last night I couldn't sleep very well as I kept having these stupid repetitive nightmares about stupid things like mispelling words. Ugggghhhhh.

Ibuprofin helps for awhile. I took some yesterday and felt better then went running. I ran close to ten miles and felt fantastic. About two hours later the yucky feeling hit and I realized I must have been running on borrowed drug induced energy. It was great-I felt so energized and glowingly happy. I think this summer, when I am feeling a bit better I am going to plan my own personal marathon. I have a six mile route but I would like to expand it to a 24 mile circle-along roads and such so if I drop down into a coma at least they'll find me at some point!

Read a book about the origins of the devil. Turns out the "devil" figure was invented in zoastorism about 600 BC but that the personal "original sin" and damnation of your soul without intervention from the priests was actually a sumerian (babylonian) invention. All the guilt and fire and brimstone seems to trace from those guys. Originally they were indoeuropean so why they jumped the gun and got all angry seems to have to do with the desire of the kings to be absolute rulers. In such an enviornment that means anyone else outside the king was nothing but garbage. To maintain powere it is essential that to be "saved" you have to please the diety-ruler. These guys make the catholics look lighthearted with all the ceremony, confessions, guilt, and need for forgiveness for little trespasses they had to endure. Don't quite get it all. Will have to read again later at a less sick point. Many things I want to write about but I need a nap first.