Monday, July 05, 2004

the tomato forrest

My tomatoes have taken over a portion of the front yard. I planted them in tires placed out in the grass so I didn't have to dig up more grass. At the time they seemed so little. They are all almost four and a half feet tall now. The grape tomatoes and yellow pears will be ripe in a couple of weeks. In a month I'll have german striped ones and purple plum ones and I think some of the green and yellow zebra striped ones as well. The cucumbers are also huge, growing out of a wheelbarrow, with squash, strawberries and red and white wave petunias. My house looks like a crazy person's. Not that I am at all crazy. I am perfectly normal. Totally. Really.

I mowed the lawn with my little electric grass fondler today. My husband came home and wanted to know if I had missed the patches of clover and little weed flowers on purpose. Of course. I have this one patch in the back where I let the little purple fey flowers grow up. Whatever plant that is has basically taken over there and now I have groundcover rather than a lawn. My poor landlord. He is such a nice little greek man. My neighboe kindly offered to cut down the overgrowth that is on the fenceline for me. I laughed and told him I was letting it grow for the flowers. I offered to cut it if it was bugging him but he didn't seem to care too much. He has four broken down cars in his front yard. I don't think my flowers matter too much.

Dumpling is with his grandparents for the next couple of weeks. It gives me lots of time to do whatever it is that people without kids do with thier time. I guess I'll figure it out as I go. Lots of reading, posting in my blog and job hunting mostly. Also the evr present yardwork which seems to be a framework for my life. I have been running a bit more as well. Made it up to ten miles on Friday, then six yesterday. I could keep going but tendonitus in my hip acts up a bit and lets me know I need to cool it. It is amazing though cause I am not out of breath, or feeling any muscular pain at all. I could really keep going for quite awhile. It is my summer time mania kicking in. The longer days give me extra energy, just like the shorter ones take it away. I can't wait to get back into a more southern location. This place is too damned cloudy!

Trying to meditate more. It is tough as I am a pretty lazy pig :)) It is easier to go run ten miles than to sit still and be without thought for twenty seconds. If I could try and be mindful while I run it might be okay, but my thoughts are like the wind. I get such a high and come up with such neat stories and fantasies while I run. It makes me happy.

Trying to read more about shiva and such. New learned thing-consciousness in the shiva thought is not quite the same thing as the english translation. It is cit in sanskrit. This means sort of oneness. I'll find and write down what the translater said he thought it was closest to.

Told my husband I am actually hindu. He thought I was a buddhist. He lives in his owm little world sometimes-okay mostly in his own world. We love each other so much but really talk so little about anything. I am actually happy this way. I come up with my own ideas and act upon them. It leaves me being very private and protective of my internal feelings and emotions, as I don't really think he could deal with what I really am like. He sort of knows and lets me run rampant with my excessive, insane yardwork, christmas scuptures, statues all over the house and wierd craft ideas. As long as it doesn't mess too much with what he likes to do, he doesn't really care and is supportive. When we actually try to talk about politics, religion, raising kids or anything at all contreversial we often argue. I feel the need to think in depth and he is a lazy thinker with very set ideas about is right. So we just talk about that stuff at all unless we ne3ed to. We end up being good roomates who have sex alot-good yummy cuddly sex-raise our kid the best we can and do what we can to make each other happy. He does really silly things like take in the groceries for me and carry the fishwater to the fishbowl and I love him so much because he takes the time to care enought to help me. My liberal friends think he is a total ass, but I think we have a really great committed working relationship. They want a guy who fits some book ideal of perfect. My guy is a total nut at times but we make for a good match I guess.

Alright I am going running! Too much energy!!! Ahhhhhh, runn runn runnnnn