Friday, July 16, 2010

pain and stuff

As Fi becomes more and more aware (?) of its surroundings, i just feel pain much of the time. It hurts. No acute, but a chronic underlying ache. A pending sorrow.

I need to feel that pain and allow it to change me, to morph me, to grow. Is it really pain or is it simply emotion which doesn't have a proper name? I can play the "pain game" in which I acknowledge my pain-then decide my pain is actually something else-rename pain. Thus pain becomes a cloud, a pitcher of tea....It allows me to reshape the emotive response and then do things with it. Like pour my pain into cups over ice, and then take those glasses and hand them to different people.

Oh, wait, they are all back and are pain again. Hehehe, I guess I need a better, more meaningful image. The pain shapes my mind....