Saturday, July 17, 2004

Never use nair on your underarms.

Never. ever. ever do that again.

I found a job! Gainful, payed employment. The job is where I want to be, dumpling goes to the charter school I want him to go to, and it actually looks like a fun job that will match my personality nicely.

It is a tech type job that requires customer service skills. You spend most of your time helping customers work through the probbels they encounter with the technology and developing new ways to use the technology. Perhaps I'll put off law school a bit if I like the job well enough. On top of everything else it actually pays really well-about 10K more than I was expecting. I guess my MS wasn't such a mistake after all. The best bonus is that it seems like my boss is a really great lady. She sounded laid back but enthusiastic and very friendly and outgoing. She also said " we don't usually get in till around nine or so" yeah!

Twitty the kitty escaped outside yesterday as I was moving boxes in and out of the car. He has spent the last year and a half plastered to the window watching the outside world and has gotten more and more brave about the door. I guess at some point he slipped out as it was closing behind me. We tried to catch him for about thirty minutes last night but he would run away from us a few feet , then turn around and stare. This morning he was nowhere in sight but he had left us a very fresh dead mouse minus a foreleg. We put his food in a live trap by the tomatoes so hopefully he'll get dumb and go eat there.

Stupid cat. I am really worried about him.