Monday, November 23, 2009

Written stutter?

My friend, 9/9 the ENTP, is starting to encounter issues. He does not respond to any emails from anyone except executives. He will be unemployed soon.

I cannot change him, however he is a very interesting person puzzle to observe and try and understand. He is very strange compared to normal ENTPs, however I propose the roots of 9/9 may be found in normal functions overused.

So-a hypothesis:

Fe is like a mute button-a filter. When I use Fe it makes me dainty, fastidious, reserved in speech and gesture. I hate to “waste words”. It takes a lot of time to write things.

9/9 self described as Ne, Fe, Ti with a splash of Se when presented with the list of functions. When 9/9 does reply to emails, it is one word or one sentence responses. His mannerisms in person are very refined, his tastes very cultured and specific, dainty.

Assuming 9/9 overuses Fe drastically, could this same “muting” effect I observe in small amounts, as I play, be overwhelming to him?

He receives 75 emails a day. If Fe forces the response to be poised and perfect for each response, it becomes impossible to reply.

Thus almost a learning disability/cognitive translation issue-like dysgraphia-except Fe imposed in the opposite direction? Like written stuttering.

Also-more oddly-Fe imposes social distance. Not only is it difficult to reply, it might feel wasteful to spend the precious, extreme efforts required in replying on those who are unworthy of a response. “I like you, however I am really to busy to spend a lot of time on an email response to you right now.”