Tuesday, November 03, 2009

writing allows me to express and tap into Fi more cleanly than anything else. Saying goodbye is hard but even more fun is setting the goal of never returning and then sticking to it.

Te loves goals and loves achieving them. If I miss the goal I stuck in a cycle of never ending failure. By hitting the goal, I satisfy the never ending beast on my back.

To love, to be loved, where do those puzzle pieces lie. I dont know those answers. I go against the grain of wood, get stuck in the rip currents of the way life is lived. Even for those like me, I end up a bump in the smooth laminate flooring. It's okay, as I am not upset, just accepting.

I love my baby.
I love my gangly teenager.
I love my strange elusive entps.
I love my petulant istjs.
I love my strong, silent, sweet INTJs.

I can stand alone and I am okay with that. I love from afar.