Tuesday, August 24, 2004

busy busy busy

Lovin the new job. Lots of training but I couldn't have gotten luckier with respect to coworkers and a boss.

Tha apt has turned out to be a bit buggier than I would like. It is surrounded by oak trees and situated in a forest more or less so lots of big "palmetto/water " bugs are hanging out. A bit of spray should take care of them and at least they aren't scary german cockroaches. I wonder how many of those I ate in my sleep as a child. Uggh.

My neighbors are about as wierd as me. I talked over my potential role as a stalker with several friends. All conclude that while I may be nosy-I attribute it the childlike curiosity-I am not a stalker and not out of the norm for nieghbors. In any case I moved all the plnats around back in my little yard so I can enjoy them and hung up a curtain across my front window. That way they don't have to worry about others observing thier comings and goings. What are they drug dealers or do they hold S&M parties there? Seriously, why all the concern?

Anyways I decided to save a cat recently. It was because he kept screaming at me. He is this scrawny black and white oriental. At first I thought he was starving. He is underfed and really skinny but he also appears to be a fashion model of the cat world. He is buitl like a siamese my sister had awhiile back. All legs, ears and tail. I can fold him in half like a bendy toy. He is so wierd looking. So he crawled out from under my sister's house that she was moving from and yowled at me. I thought he was dying. Nope he always yowls like that. I originally named him shiva as I am a big fan and thought that maybe shiva made me feel bad for him and take him home. Then I started calling him skelator as he is quite skelatal. Now he is stinky. God almighty he stinks to hell and back. It seems his digestive tract is rather sensitive to odd foods and unfortunately he loves to eat human foods. He is also kinda dumb and didn't seem to understand when I moved the litter box, that he needed to place his unpleasent items in the new location and not on the floor where the litter box used to be. That twice in a row got him turned into an outside cat. I took him outside and three times he ran into the door trying to get back in. Twice he jumped up on the window screen and mewled trying to tear his way into the window. He was such a happy indoor cat. He loves affection-starving for it I would guess-and sleeps beside my head at night. He so wants to be held and loved. I stuck with the outside cat for two days and then let him back in last night. He is so pathetic. Now he stays out during the day but comes in at night and we jusrt keep the doors to the bedroom shut so he doesn't leave us unpleasent suprises. Not hard as we are still in the living room on the futon.

Things to think about:
castles on the hills-why do we want them
animal love/programming/domestication
genetic human personality traits