Saturday, August 02, 2008

well if she had only...

well if she had only...
-wore her seat belt
-hadn't been drinking
-had work a helmet
-had been more careful about car maintenance
-he was really overweight and didnt work out
It's a shame but...
-he had a mental problem
-They were "those" sort of people, you can't expect much more out of them
-he was really white trash
-he had it coming
-you know how (fill in your favorite racial slur) are

All Fs feel empathy. All humans actually have some inkling. However when we see another in pain we often build defense barriers to allow us to dismiss thier pain. It is almost second nature and hapens by default.

Two ways:

1) they deserved thier pain/death or some how caused it
2) they are not part of our "tribe" thus thier suffering is irrelevant.

God bless the USA, but we forgot about the rest of the world. or those folks on the east side of towm. or the black people or the mexican immigrants.

Oh a guy got hit and killed, sad but he was just an illegal... they are everywhere nowdays.

Another I have seen medical professionals guilty of:

When they cannot solve the problem or cannot find data to support the symptoms in test results, then there is not a problem. Ignoring the fact that they have limited biomarkers available and an exceptionally poor understanding of pharmacogenomics and individual varients of complex disorders.

How do they avoid having to feel empathy?
-she has a mental problem
-she's neurotic
-she's seeking attention
-it's psychosomatic (which has been redefined as of late funnily enough)
-it's all in thier head
-they are lazy and looking for attention
-everything becomes depression (gushing blood? your just depressed. eyeball pop out? depression.)

There are several "syndromes" where the docs really have poor answers yet are willing to apply all of the above answers -CFS, fibromyalgia, IBS, yet many docs are profoundly dismissive.

Of course all these folks are just seeking attention. All 10 million. Lots o' lonely folks in the world who propebely deserve it eh?

And they tell themselves when they walk in the room to allow themselves not to feel guilt and pain that they cannot fix the problem.