Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gluten and the bullshit alternative docs

My pal went to an alt med practitioner after years off having IBS type stomach problems. She jumped through all the hoops, did all the tests and never had an answer. She also had five first trimenter miscarriges and no live births.

So she goes to this alt med guy, pays about $500 for visit and tests and he tells her she has a gluten-casien allergy. I thought what utter bullshit-I am a biochemist- but I didn't want to argue with her as what else was she supposed to do? So she stops eating gluten and cow milk.

And all her stomach problems went away. Then she would eat some, and they'd some back. That was about 2 years ago and symptoms still turn on and off just by avoiding the gluten and casien.

She also carried her first baby to term.

Maybe it is just luck, but given that first trimester miscarriges and food allergies are immune system issues, makes you wonder.

So about a month back my gall bladder, stomach, and duedenum were all torn up again-I have been checked for stones four times, so I though what the hell. I committed to a seven day gluten free diet. By day three the stomach inflammation and dueodenal pain was gone, and the gall bladder was done to the occasional sputter. Now if I eat Gluten, the inflammation will come back for the next day or so, then go away agin. It is hard to resist as I LOVE bread but I am enough Pavlov's dog that the bread is starting to look less yummy.