Sunday, July 27, 2008


Baby is a tyrant

we walked at about 9.5 months. Still nursing at 14 months. He is a loud demanding little fellow, growls and bites, and only cuddles when sleepy. He thinks I am pretty weak and not a particularly good parent, but will have to do...

Alas, I think he will have high standards once he is grown.

He is more organized and structured than my first son ever was. He is doubtful of strangers, ske[ptical of strange things, and will sit and ponder for several minutes at a time. He loves to put lids back on containers. All things must have lids. He takes them off and puts them on.

This morning he pulled out the gallon of milk, took off the lid and dumped it all over the floor.

His face is so expressive. You can see his skepticism in all the tiny, minute movements of his eyes and a touch of pursed lips. Already at 15 months he gets pissed , with spells of indignant fury. How dare you deny him the wire wisk? How could you keep HIM out of the pantry? He cries a few pissed screams, throws his spoon on the floor, and stomps off to the livingroom. God forbid I try and hug or kiss, or even talk to him. Talk about cold glares.

I have to try not to laugh as it is freaking hysterical. He says Mama, dada, papa, eeth (ethan), puppy, and meows at the cats. He likes to hug and kiss all the pets and his brother but then tries to whack them with whatever cooking utensil he happens to be holding. We are also a fan of dropping food after mama told us not to just to see what mama will do.

On another note my older son told me I drop the F-bomb so often I could have completely destroyed america by now.