Monday, December 28, 2009

The Wheel of Functions

The more I learn and the more I watch others, I keep seeing the same frustrations arise across typological categories-specifically across the (TeFi)/(TiFe) divide, regardless of which function order predominates. Call it type bashing if you'd like.

Rather than reaching a place of understanding and mutual forgiveness of the others' differences, understanding the diffs in the jungian functions seems to lead to a more venomous dislike of those who use the other function classes. I just see more and more frustration-hypersensitivity?

An example:Fi judges others actions on its own value set, why get angry at an Fi user for doing so? Instead point this out to them and then counter with why your function combination does not do so... An attempt at education?

The same could be said for Ti seemingly being mean to an Fi user, Te being bossy and dominating to an Fe user, or Fe feeling controlling to a Te user.

As a group we should be better than folks in the real world at forgiving and attempting to understand others who differ from us. Instead we seem to be an order of magnitude less forgiving.

Why is this?

Do we assume that once the other understands, they should be able to change?

Do we expect they will not keep behaving according to type-even once they understand the "flaws" of said type?

How much change can you expect from another type?