Friday, July 06, 2007

week by week

one week-first breast fed projectile poop-you must cover the rear exits at all times!
two weeks-he mimics mommy when she sticks her toungue out
two and 1/2 weeks-first time he grabbed his own long hair. The more he cried the harder he pulled.
three weeks-he started to get some fat
thrre and 1/2 weeks-first breastmilk bottle from dad
four weeks-first tiny smile
five weeks-first time he spit up in mommy's mouth
six weeks-first laugh
six and 1/2 weeks-he holds up his head, pushes his chest off the ground, and flexes his baby muscles
seven weeks-first time he puked down mommy's dress
seven and 1/2 weeks-first zantac prescription-happy smiles!
eight weeks-we laugh and smile and are fascinated by the dogs,we smile at mom when she comes home from work. we torture our father as he lacks the magic milk makers]
eight and 1/2 weeks-second time he spit up in mommy's mouth
nine weeks-second time he puked down mom's dress
ten weeks-we rolled over. It took ten minutes at first but then several more rolls followed. He quit when he realized you just get stuck on your back.